
Success Starts Here

You’ve spent considerable time and resources to find the right person and if you don’t get this next part right, your retention efforts may be very difficult or fail all together. Research shows that successful onboarding significantly reduces employee turnover, increases productivity and boosts morale. Yet, surprisingly, many employers offer little to no formalized orientation process.

Investing in a well-planned orientation program helps support positive working relationships - and your bottom line. Depending on your business, onboarding may take an hour or last several days.

Know your new employee. Getting to know your new hire, where they come from, an understanding of their cultural needs and norms, what holidays are observed and what additional supports that may be needed, will be critical to ensuring the new hire finds a sense of belonging in your organisation. Sensitivity and adaptability will be the key to your retention success if you onboard correctly. 

Creating an Onboarding Plan

New Hire Orientation
  • Introduce your company, its culture, values, vision and policies.
Employee Handbook
  • Plan a departmental or job-specific orientation when the employee actually starts work.
Integrating New Hires with Disabilities
  • Invest the time in knowing your new hire.


New Hire Check List - Template

This document is a check list to assist you with onboarding and orientation your new hire.


Employee Handbook - Template

This document is intended as a reference guide to provide non-union businesses operating in Saskatchewan’s Tourism & Hospitality industry with an overview of what should be included in an employee handbook.


Violence Policy Template

A violence policy is required in any establishment that could incur violence. This template can be used as a staring point to creat your own organizations policy


New Hire


Integrating People with Disabilities into the Workplace

The Sask Abilities Council helps interested employers tap into and hire people with disabilities through workplace training sessions. Some of these discussions start at the earliest steps of the recruitment process, including what kind of questions to ask (and not to ask), how to ensure an inclusive interview process, and other recruitment tips.


Human Trafficking Policy Template

This is a Template that can be used as a basis for a policy on Human Trafficking, primarilyn in an accommodation seeting, but could be adapted to a Food & Beverage operation or othe Hospitality operation


2024 Employee Handbook

As an employer you may use this Microsoft Word Employee Handbook as you require. Please feel free to download, copy, remove the areas not required and edit any areas you need to suit your organizational needs.

New Hire


Tips For A Successful New Hire Orientation

Research shows that successful orientation reduces staff turnover, increases productivity and boosts morale. This will initiate a positive working relationship with your employees and improve your bottom line.