Legislative Requirements

The Must Have Requirements

If you are opening or running a Hospitality Business in Saskatchewan certain requirements need to be met. It is the employer's responsibility that the requirements from all these areas are followed and adhered to. The following areas are available for you to look at and find the specifics you may be looking for.

The below resources will aid you in understanding the legislative requirements in Saskatchewan. PLEASE NOTE that as of December 2024 the Government has PROPOSED changes to the Saskatchewan Employment Act...please see Box below with information.

Sask Health Authority

As an employer you must follow specific guidelines for both food operations and accommodations. This site will take you to those standards


Learn more about hiring foreign workers in Saskatchewan, register to hire foreign workers and get approval for job positions through the SINP, and learn about your responsibilities as an employer under The Immigration Services Act (ISA).

A Proactive Approach to Workplace Health & Safety

Prioritizing workplace health & safety through a proactive approach can assist in keeping workers safe and ensure regulatory requirements are met. All tourism and hospitality employers in SK, no matter the size, must have an Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Program in place that meets the requirements.

Worksafe Saskatchewan

This is the partnership between The Worker’s compensation Board and the Ministry of Labour Relations and workplace safety and provides Occupational Health and Safety requirements


The Public Accommodation Regulations

Public Eating Establishments Standards

Requirements for Opening a Food Business

Saskatchewan Liquor & Gaming Authority

If you are going to sell liquor you need a permit and this all takes place through Liquor & Gaming. Training in Responsible Service in Alcohol is mandatory for you and all your customer facing staff.

Federal GST Requirements on Gratuities

As a business owner or manager you are already aware you are responsible for including and remitting GST on customer transactions. You should also be aware that there are specific requirements for GST on gratuities. This information is included in the Learn More below.

Understanding the WCB (Worker's Compensation Board)

Did you know that you are required to have an account with the WCB if you own a hospitality industry operation.

Saskatchewan Sales Tax Requirements

As a business owner or manager you are already aware you are responsible for including and remitting provincial sales tax on customer transactions. You should be aware that there are specific requirements for sales tax on employee meals and gratuities. This information is included in the Learn More below.

Saskatchewan Emplyoment Act PROPOSED Changes

Bill 5 has proposed several changes to the Saskatchewan Employment Act as of December 2024. This is yet to be passed into Law.

Foundational Pillars of a Solid Health and Safety System

The pillars for Management, practices, training and inspections including forms that can be adapted to your work site.

First Aid in Saskatchewan Workplaces

Tells of the specific requirements that you as an employer must have in place (Employees trained in first aid etc.)

Human Rights

The Human Rights Commission’s role is to promote and protect the individual dignity, fundamental freedoms and equal rights of Saskatchewan Citizens. As an employer you must understand and follow the requirements.

Saskatchewan Employment Standards

Information on workplace rights and responsibilities for Saskatchewan employers and employees. This comes from the Legislative Acts about employment and labour

Canada Revenue Agency - CPP & EI on Gratuities

As an employer you are responsible for submitting EI and CPP on employee wages. There are additional requirements for CPP and EI on employee tips and gratuities depending on your policies.

Food & Beverage

Public Eating Establishment Standards - 2019