Consider all available labour pools when searching for talent. Always prioritize local and regional workers particularly under-represented groups.
These include:
- Indigenous, First Nation, Metis and Inuit persons
- Youth
- Newcomers
- Women
- Persons with Disabilities
Having exhausted all local labour options, sometimes we must look outside of your provincial and even national borders.
Career fairs and recruitment missions, domestic and international, can be very effective activities to assist in finding the talent you need to effectively maintain and grow your operations.
Create a Recruitment Plan
Set Goals
- Determine your recruitment goals, develop; your strategy, review your job description and job postings, or create them if they don’t exist.
- Consider people-finding strategies and explore options and labour pools that you may not have previously considered.
- Hone your interview techniques, and follow through with all candidates, from the job application stage to make an offer.