Safety Templates & Resources

Safety Templates & Resources

In today’s business, there are constant daily changes and challenges and looking at a Safety Management System can be daunting. It is the law to ensure a safe work environment for all workers. The Saskatchewan Employment Act and The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (Reg 3-11) outline all the safety program requirements.

Why reinvent the wheel? Service Hospitality has many safety templates to help you build and maintain your Safety Management System.

Click on an Orange box below to show the specific forms for the category you may require.

Working Alone Prevention

Working Alone - Procedures Template

Procedures template for working alone or in Isolation

Safety Templates

Safety Templates

Why reinvent the wheel? Service Hospitality has many safety templates to help you build and maintain your Safety Management System. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have any questions, reach out to a Safety Advisor today!

OH & S Committee

O H & S - Meeting Minutes Template

Printable template for OH & S Meeting Minutes


WHMIS - Safety Data Sheet Master List Template

Fillable form to capture all Safety Data for the hazerdous materials you use.


WHMIS - Hazardous Job Inventory Template

Fillable form to identify which jobs are hazardous and require WHMIS training.


Inspections - Inspection Checklist Template

An inspection checklist that can be modified for your location to ensure all safety issues have been looked at.

Incident Reporting & Investigations

Incident Reporting & Investigations - Policy template

Helps you create a policy in regard to reporting various incidents.


inspections - inspection Procedures

Formal inspections of any and all workplaces should take place monthly to identify hazards and make plans to rectify the issues.

Violence Prevention

Violence Prevention - Employer's Guide to Developing a Violence Policy Statement & Prevention Plan

Government of Saskatchewan Violence Prevention Plan Booklet


Ergonomics - Office Ergonomics Booklet with Checklist

Guidelines for preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries

Working Alone Prevention

Working Alone - Policy Template

Purpose: To provide measures to protect the health and safety of, and minimize risk to, any employee that works alone or at an isolated place of employment as defined in The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 (Section 3-24).

Exposure Control Plan

Hazard Assemment - Exposure Control Plan (Front Desk)

The following Hazard Assessment is a Sample and is not complete. Hazard Assessments must be conducted for your workplace specifically and take into consideration all aspects of your workplace.

Exposure Control Plan

Exposure Control Plan - Hazard Assemment

The purpose of an Exposure Control Plan is to protect workers (and visitors) from infectious materials or organisms in the workplace.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety - Responsibilities Guidline

Guidelines for managers/supervisors and staff for Health & Safety and their responsibilites

Health & Safety

Health & Safety - Policy Template

Helps you create your own organizations Policy around health & safety

OH & S Committee

O H & S - Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference Template

Working Alone Prevention

Working Alone - Risk Assessment

The purpose of the Working Alone or in Isolation Risk Assessment template is to comply with the Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Section 3-24 Working Alone or at Isolated Place of Employment.


WHMIS - WorkSafe Saskatchewan WHMIS Training

Worksafe Saskatchewan WHMIS Training website

Employee Orientation

Orientation - New Employee Health & Safety Orientation Checklist Template

Printable Excel file for Safety orientation


WHMIS - Training Checklist Template

Fillable form to identify training provided to spcific employees.

Job Hazard Assessment

Job Hazard Identification - Report Form Template

Fillable form to report any workplace hazards.


Ergonomics - Ergonomics Policy Template

The purpose of the ergonomics policy is to eliminate or minimize risks which could lead to musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) at work. This policy establishes a requirement for you to ensure the workplace has been assessed for ergonomic risks and appropriate controls are implemented.

Incident Reporting & Investigations

Incident Investigation Report Template

Fillable form for reporting workplace incidents

Job Hazard Assessment

Job Hazard Assessment - Hazard Identification & Control Procedure Template

This procedure will ensure all existing and potential hazards are identified, evaluated and controlled. By controlling hazards prior to any incident, your organization is helping to provide a safe workplace for its workers and visitors.

Harassment Prevention

Harassment Prevention - Complaint Form

Harassment Complaint form Template

Employee Orientation

Orientation - Training Attendance Record Template

Printable form to track employee attendance at safety training

Harassment Prevention

Harassment - Policy Template

Every worker is entitled to employment free of harassment and should be committed to a harassment free workplace where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. This Template allows you to create a Policy to that effect that can be shared with all employees.

First Aid

First Aid - Risk Assessment Template (Charts Included)

Similar to Risk Assessment template but includes charts

OH & S Committee

O H & S - Meeting Agenda Template

Printable OH & S Agenda Template

Claims Management

Claims Management - Modified Work Plan Template

Template for a Modified Work Plan for an injured employee.

First Aid

First Aid - Risk Assessment Template

Basic Risk Assement that allows you to understand the specific risks for your work site

OH & S Committee

O H & S - Committee Members List Template

Fillable list of Committee members and meeting minutes

Violence Prevention

Violence Policy - Template

Template to create your organizations Violence Policy

First Aid

First Aid - Safe Work Procedure Template

Template to look at individual tasks, equipment required to do the task, training requirements and emergency procedures.

Working Alone Prevention

Working Alone Prevention - Policy Template

Template to provide measures to protect the health and safety of, and minimize risk to, any employee that works alone or at an isolated place of employment as defined in The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 (Section 3-24).

Claims Management

Claims Management Policy Template

Claims management is a team process linking the employer with workers, unions, health care providers and insurance providers to minimize the impact of injury/illness through early intervention, support and resource coordination, optimizing recovery and facilitating stay-at-work or early return-to-work. Workplace injuries are not the cost of doing business.

Claims Management

Claims Management - Fitness for Modified Work Template

Is your oganization committed to ensuring a safe and early return to work of all of our employees? We have a comprehensive Modified Work Program that can accommodate most temporary functional restrictions.

Exposure Control Plan

Hazard Assemment - Exposure Control Plan - Kitchen

The following Hazard Assessment is a Sample and is not complete. Hazard Assessments must be conducted for your workplace specifically and take into consideration all aspects of your workplace.